The #NO2Tubes-Campaign is a (for now) one shot project of the global open environmental data platform Sensor.Community.
Between the 1st of October and the 31st of October 2020 local teams placed in the displayed 9 cities in Europe >250 NO2 diffusion tubes in order to measure the average daily concentration of this gas in the air.
The blue dots display the locations of official measurement stations.
The other dots display the NO2 diffusion tubes measurement locations and the color is in relation to the measured value.
You can check the current official measurement for NO2 on this map of the EEA. Change the pollutant for NO2 to have this being displayed.
Under Directive 2008/50/EU, the standards for NO2 are:
For a better lisibility of the data, we used the scale of the Air quality in Europe — 2020 report of the EEA (page 72).
Contact us if you have feedback or want to get in touch with us:campaign02@Sensor.Community.